
Pre-Primary (Nursery, LKG, UKG)
Our Objectives

  • To imbibe social, behavioral and emotional development
  • To develop communication skill & habit formation
  • To promote values of caring & sharing
  • To cater to creative & aesthetic development
  • To promote mental motors & cognitive skills

Primary (STD-I to III)
Our Objectives

  • To develop a good physique, adequate muscular Co-ordination and basic motor skills in the child.
  • To develop good health habits and to build up basic skills necessary for personal adjustment
  • To develop desirable social attitudes and manners to encourage healthy group participation.
  • To develop emotional maturity by guiding the child to express, understand, accept and control his feelings and emotions.
  • To encourage aesthetic appreciation in the child.
  • To stimulate in the child the beginning of intellectual curiosity concerning his immediate environment to help him understand the world in which he lives and to foster interest through opportunities to explore, investigate and experiment.
  • To encourage in the child independence and creativity by providing him with sufficient opportunities for self expression.

Middle School (STD-IV to VII)
Our Objectives

  • To give our children the basic training they need so that they will grow up to be integrated and self-reliant
  • To create in our school a climate of trust and love where each child is valued as an individual, is helped to develop a sense of his/her own worth and is aware of the contribution he/she can make to the society in which he/she lives.
  • To foster loyalty, mutual respect and respect for all mankind
  • To foster respect for the environment.
  • To ensure that the aims of the school are achieved.

To introduce our pupils to the truth that they may know it, to the good that they may love it and to the beauty that they may delight in it.

Secondary School (STD-VIII to X)
Our Objectives
To promote social competence in students by

  • Giving them a broad understanding of how society works
  • Making them aware of their own role, rights and responsibilities

To develop basic life skills among students

  • Literacy
  • Communication
  • Research methods
  • Ways of helping to achieve physical and mental health

To encourage positive attitudes towards learning by

  • Making children aware that learning is a lifetime process
  • Motivating the desire to learn
  • Encouraging students to think
  • Teaching thinking skills by posing meaningful real life problems
  • Catering for students’ interests beyond basic skills.

To maximize students individual achievements by

  • Promoting self-esteem
  • Identifying and developing talents and interest
  • Motivating students to achieve their full potential
  • Emphasizing individual responsibility and self discipline
  • Striving for excellence in all endeavours.

To provide atmosphere and procedures within the school that will help to achieve the other aims by

  • Cooperation and consultation between all members of the school community;
  • A caring and happy environment;
  • Parent participation in educational and social activities;
  • Catering for students’ individual differences;
  • Encouraging teachers to develop their professional skills.​
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